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Mitochondrial Communications

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2590-2792
Area Ageing, Clinical Biochemistry, Developmental Biology

Mitochondrial Communications is committed to the rapid publication of high quality, rigorously peer reviewed research articles, reviews, commentaries on scientifically sound and clinically important issues and letters to editor. The journal covers a wide range of topics in basic research of mitochondrial biology and the clinical aspects of mitochondrial diseases.

Subjects considered for publication include, but are not limited to:
all aspects of mitochondrial biology, including mitochondrial dynamics and quality control, mitochondria-organelle interactions, mitochondrial genetics and evolution, mitochondria-nuclear crosstalk, mitochondrial physiology and stress responses
Redox and oxidative stress
stem cell
cell death and differentiation
cell signaling
iron metabolism
cell metabolism
aging and aging related diseases

The journal provides a platform for basic and clinical researchers to discuss the exciting and dynamic fields of mitochondrial research. Thus, clinical features of mitochondrial diseases such as (but not limited to) cancer, metabolic syndromes, myopathies, neurodegenerative diseases and heart diseases are among the major topics of the journal.

Mitochondrial Communications is a high quality, fully Open Access journal: all accepted articles will be immediately and permanently available on ScienceDirect, free to read, download and share.


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Ageing, Clinical Biochemistry, Developmental Biology

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