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Microchemical Journal

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
E-ISSN 1095-9149
Area Analytical Chemistry, Spectroscopy

The Microchemical Journal is a peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects and phases of Analytical Chemistry, including sampling, sample pre-treatment, measurement and data analysis. The Microchemical Journal publishes articles which are at the forefront of modern analytical chemistry and cover innovations in the techniques to the finest possible limits. This includes Fundamental Aspects, Instrumentation, Mass Spectrometry, Chromatography and Electrophoresis Separations, Microscale and Nanoscale Systems, Omics (Proteomics and Metabolomics), Sensors and Sensing (Single-molecule sensors, Microfluidic systems, Biosensors), Chemometrics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Imaging, and original applications concerning environmental, food, forensic, heritage and clinical fields.

Electroanalytical and optical sensors, separation methods, spectroscopy, electroanalytical chemistry procedures and all new methods for inorganic, organic, biochemical molecules and micro-organisms detection and quantification are welcome. However, manuscripts must provide significant improvements and novelty compared to the established methods.

The journal does not consider routine analytical method development and applications in such areas as classical materials characterization, pharmaceutical and industrial quality control. In any case, applications to real sample analysis instead of the use of spiked ones are preferred. Fragmentation of work is strongly discouraged.

The journal was established in the late 1950's as a medium devoted to the developing field of microchemistry. As the area of microchemistry has moved into analyses in microgram masses and micro volumes (and lower), low detection limits, and sophisticated and compact instrumentation, the Microchemical Journal has continued to evolve and change with this growing and expanding area, covering nowadays analytical chemical research in its broadest sense, including micro-organisms identification and quantification, the use of nanomaterials and smart materials-based methodologies for sample preparation and analyte determination, and application of chemometrics in its broadest sense, considering also those regarding omic- studies, big data, artificial intelligence and hyperspectral imaging.

The journal has published numerous special issues devoted to hot topics, inviting the most productive and active researchers. Besides full research articles, Critical Review papers, Short Communications and Technical Notes are also considered.


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Analytical Chemistry, Spectroscopy

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