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IFAC Journal of Systems and Control

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Open Access NO
E-ISSN 2949-9267

IFAC Journal of Systems & Control publishes high-quality research papers containing generalizable, extensible and transferable innovations across all aspects of the field of control and automation. The journal will only consider submitted papers consisting of significant previously unpublished material germane to applicable Systems Theory, its application, and cognate modeling and feedback-control-related areas of formulation, implementation, and analysis. The Journal is particularly interested in works exploring new areas at the boundary of systems and control where system modeling, estimation and feedback enable new viewpoints, areas of impact, and techniques. The Journal’s ambit broadly reflects the areas of interest of IFAC‘s Technical Board and dovetails with the other IFAC journals in seeking new areas of application and investigation for Systems and Control.

The core interest of the Journal is Systems and Control and this is the lens through which the contributions will be viewed. Authors are required to identify this aspect of their work. Review of papers will be stringent and focused on assisting authors achieve maximal impact with the readership. The broad subject areas are as follows:
Computers, Cognition and Communications and the role of Artificial Intelligence in Control and Modeling for Control,
Control over and of Communications Networks and Data Storage,
Big Data aspects of Modeling, Diagnostics, Prognostics, System Identification and the Industrial Internet,
Embedded System aspects of Control and the interface between Real-Time Systems and Feedback Control, High-Performance Computing in Control,
Technologies for Control, Human-Machine Systems in Control,
Manufacturing and Logistics Systems, Enterprise Management,
Power and Energy Systems, Large-Scale and Networked Control, Building Automation, Renewable Energy Control,
New Areas of Modeling and Feedback Control in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Manufacturing and Devices,
Transportation and Vehicle Systems in Air, at Sea or on Land, Autonomous Systems,
Biological Systems Modeling Control in Agriculture, Medicine, the Environment and Bioprocesses,
Social Systems of Finance and Business, Control for Smart Cities, Social Impacts of Control,
Control Education,
Aspects of Control Theory enabling new applications.

In addition to traditional research papers, the Journal will invite commentary from readers curated by the Editorial Board and linked to the published works. Authors will be encouraged to provide attachments of data files, computer programs, and other links as part of the electronic environment of the papers but not part of the reviewed work.


  1. It is not an oppen access journal

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