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Hygiene and Environmental Health Advances

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2666-6596
Area Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction

Hygiene and Environmental Health Advances is an international multi-disciplinary journal publishing high quality peer-reviewed original research, reviews and commentaries within the broad field of 'Environmental Health Sciences'.

Coverage includes, but is not limited to, the following research topics:
Exposure assessment of chemical pollutants and physical environment (climate change, green space, night light etc) and their impacts on human health
Environmental risk assessment
Air, soil, water and biota pollutants and health
Human monitoring and human exposome
Environmental epidemiology
Environmental toxicology
Impacts of human behavior on the risk of human exposed to biological, chemical, and physical environment
Sanitation and clean water
Waste treatment and health
Quality criteria for environmental pollutants, especially for the emerging chemicals
Public health aspects of exposure-related outcomes


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction

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