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Healthcare Analytics

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
P-ISSN 0987-7983
E-ISSN 1777-5981
Area Perinatology, Pediatrics and Child Health

Healthcare Analytics is an interdisciplinary journal promoting the application of data science, business analytics, information technology, operations research, statistics, simulation, optimization, and mathematical modelling to decision-making and problem-solving in healthcare organizations within the private and public sectors. The principal objective of Healthcare Analytics is to provide state-of-the-art information for academic researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners concerned with developing new methodologies, tools, and technologies to formulate and solve operational, tactical, and strategic problems in healthcare organizations. The journal is a source of information for theoretical, empirical, and analytical research and real-world applications and case studies in healthcare analytics and informatics.

Descriptive Analytics Department handles manuscripts and studies answering the question of what happened by analyzing historical data and extracting hindsight about the past, without explaining why.

Diagnostic Analytics Department handles manuscripts and studies answering the question of why something happened by measuring historical data against other data (i.e., benchmarks) and extracting insight into the present.

Predictive Analytics Department handles manuscripts and studies answering the question of what will happen by using the findings of descriptive and diagnostic analytics and giving the foresight for the future.

Prescriptive Analytics Department handles manuscripts and studies answering the question of what to do by using the findings of descriptive and diagnostic analytics and giving the prescription for the future to eliminate a problem or take advantage of a promising trend.


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Perinatology, Pediatrics and Child Health

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