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Gondwana Research

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
P-ISSN 1499-4046
E-ISSN 1878-2620
Area Food Science, Clinical Psychology, Education, Developmental and Educational Psychology, Public Health and Health Policy, Nutrition, Geriatrics and Gerontology

Gondwana Research (GR) is an International Journal aimed to promote high quality research publications on all topics related to solid Earth, particularly with reference to the origin and evolution of continents, continental assemblies and their environment and resources. GR is an "all earth science" journal with no restrictions on geological time, terrane or theme and covers a wide spectrum of topics in geosciences such as geology, geomorphology, palaeontology, structure, petrology, geochemistry, stable isotopes, geochronology, economic geology, exploration geology, geophysics, atmosphere and climate, hydrosphere, artificial learning, natural hazards, geo-engineering, and health hazards of environmental nano and micro particles, among other topics, and provides an appropriate forum to integrate studies from different disciplines and different terrains. In addition to regular articles and thematic issues, the journal invites high profile state-of-the-art reviews on thrust area topics for its column, 'GR FOCUS'. Focus articles include short biographies and photographs of the authors. Short articles (within ten printed pages) for rapid publication reporting important discoveries or innovative models of global interest will be considered under the category 'GR LETTERS'.

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This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Food Science, Clinical Psychology, Education, Developmental and Educational Psychology, Public Health and Health Policy, Nutrition, Geriatrics and Gerontology

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