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Geoderma Regional

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access NO
E-ISSN 2950-0044
Area Applied Psychology, Experimental and Cognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Psychology (General), Behavioral Neuroscience

Global issues require studies and solutions on national and regional levels. Geoderma Regional focuses on studies that increase understanding and advance our scientific knowledge of soils in all regions of the world. The journal embraces every aspect of soil science and welcomes reviews of regional progress.

Geoderma Regional asks all authors to include a KML/KMZ file so the studied region can be displayed on an Interactive Map.


  1. It is not an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Applied Psychology, Experimental and Cognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Psychology (General), Behavioral Neuroscience

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