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European Management Journal

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
P-ISSN 0923-4748
E-ISSN 1879-1719
Area Accounting, Information Systems and Management, Management Science and Operations Research, Business and International Management, Management of Technology and Innovation, Strategy and Management

The European Management Journal (EMJ) is a flagship scholarly journal, publishing internationally leading research across all areas of management. EMJ articles challenge the status quo through critically informed empirical and theoretical investigations, and present the latest thinking and innovative research on major management topics, while still being accessible and interesting to non-specialists.

EMJ articles are characterized by their intellectual curiosity and diverse methodological approaches, which lead to contributions that impact profoundly on management theory and practice. We welcome interdisciplinary research that synthesizes distinct research traditions to shed new light on contemporary challenges in the broad domain of European business and management. Cross-cultural investigations addressing the challenges for European management scholarship and practice in dealing with global issues and contexts are strongly encouraged.

EMJ publishes 6 issues per year and is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, involving at least two reviewers.

Special issues, or groups of 3 to 4 papers (under the heading of 'Management Focus'), are published by Guest Editors.

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  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Accounting, Information Systems and Management, Management Science and Operations Research, Business and International Management, Management of Technology and Innovation, Strategy and Management

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