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European Journal of Internal Medicine

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access NO
P-ISSN 2543-344X
E-ISSN 2543-3431
Area Radiology and Imaging, Health Informatics, Radiography

European Journal of Internal Medicine is the official journal of the European Federation of Internal Medicine and is the reference scientific journal for the European academic and non-academic internists.
The journal is devoted to promoting science and practice in internal medicine in Europe. To this end, the journal publishes original articles, editorials, reviews, internal medicine flashcards, and other information relevant to internal medicine and related fields. Translational medicine and clinical studies both receive attention by the Journal. EJIM has the ambition to become the place for the publication of excellent clinical studies; however, this target is intended to be associated with the improvement of the quality of health care in Internal Medicine in the European hospitals.

The journal encourages the submission, as original articles, of:
quality clinical studies related to internal medicine;
papers defining the unmet clinical needs in several areas of internal medicine;
methodology of clinical research and critical reading of clinical studies;
high-level subgroup or secondary analyses of the major clinical trials;
experimental design of planned or ongoing large clinical trials. This publication may be associated with a critical assessment by methodology experts commenting the methodology of the paper, strengths and potential limitations;
acute and critical care medicine as well as emergency medicine to contribute to develop the new professional figure of the internist in the European hospitals;

In addition to the abovementioned articles, the journal publishes invited articles on clinical issues relevant to internal medicine, in the form of:
Commentary: a paper commenting an article published in a particular issue and prepared by the Editors or by an invited expert;
Editorial: a brief article on clinical achievements or debated points in Internal Medicine;
Review Articles: updated state-of-the-art reviews on a subject of clinical relevance;
Ideas and Opinions: a paper on a vision concerning a clinical topic not necessarily reflecting evidence-based data but more an expression of a particular vision of a clinical or public health issue;
Clinical Controversies in Internal medicine, covering pros and cons positions on a specific clinical issue;
Clinical Insights: a brief article dedicated to the management of particular clinical situation or setting where remarkable advancements or changes in clinical practice were recently experienced;
Beyond the guidelines on clinical situations or issues that are not covered by the Guidelines or on the limitations of the Guidelines. More in general, this type of articles can be a commentary on recently published guidelines.


  1. It is not an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Radiology and Imaging, Health Informatics, Radiography

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