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Environmental Challenges

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2949-7280
Area Finance

Environmental Challenges, a companion journal of Journal of Environmental Management, is an international journal designed for the publication of original research findings and review articles in new areas of environmental management and environmental science as a multi-disciplinary journal publishing high quality and novel information. As a multidisciplinary journal, Environmental Challenges offers broad and impactful dissemination of research findings related to all applied and management aspects of environmental engineering, management, policies, and stakeholder involvement at a larger scale, case studies, and regional issues.

Environmental Challenges will publish:

Original communications (research papers) describing important new discoveries or further developments in important fields of investigation related to the environment and human health
Reviews, mainly of new developing areas of environmental science
Discussion papers
Short communications
Special themed issues on relevant topics.

All papers should demonstrate a high level of novelty, originality and uniqueness. Coverage includes, but not limited to, the following research topics:
Fresh water shortage
Aging infrastructure
Energy demand
Global warming
Security (food, water, air)
Waste management (e.g., plastics, e-waste)
Food production/supply
Environmental quality and public health
Urban livability
Land use changes
Ocean acidification
Biodiversity loss
Coastal hazards
Ecosystem services
Local and regional environmental issues


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Finance

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