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Abstract ED1-3: Where are we going with digital interventions and PROs
Discurso de Geraldo Coelho Vaz na Posse do IHGG no Dia 05/05/2021
Lifestyle and sexual health
Effect of Yd:YAG laser irradiation on the shear bond strength of orthodontic metal brackets
Acurácia e confiabilidade de modelos digitais tridimensionais – validação do software eXceedTM
O uso da tecnologia CAD/CAM na Ortodontia – setup ortodôntico e colagem indireta pelo sistema eXceed
crítica cinematográfca e a Estética da Recepção
Long-term side effects: the wolf in the cage
Fibrina rica en plaquetas (FRP): Una alternativa terapéutica en odontología
Mechanical behavior of dental implants in different positions in the rehabilitation of the anterior maxilla
O Modelo PEIR e Base SIG no Diagnóstico da Qualidade Ambiental em Sub-bacia Hidrográfica Urbana
Gênese das milícias de pardos e pretos na América Portuguesa: Pernambuco, Minas Gerais, séculos XVII e XVIII
Influence of a Fluoridated Medium with Different pHs on Commercially Pure Titanium‐Based Implants
The service life of implant-retained overdenture attachment systems
Intrathecal Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator Therapy after Coil Embolization or Surgical Clipping for Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: A Prospective Study
Effect of thermal treatments on tensile strength of commercially cast pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloys
Compressive strength and compressive fatigue limit of conventional and high viscosity posterior resin composites
Término augustal de Goujoim: (Armamar)